Tiger Cubs Toddler Room
18 months-33 months
Tuition based program. Parents can enroll children for 3, 4, or 5 full or half days. DHS payments for childcare accepted.
Language flourishes as these toddlers explore their environment and begin to assert their independence.
Lesson plans support these active toddlers as their language skills increase by providing sensory, art, and large and fine motor activities. Experienced, trained teachers support the toddlers’ need for independence while guiding their social experiences with their peers.
Teachers recognize that self-help skills such as eating, dressing, and picking up after oneself are opportunities to help children learn about their world, acquire skills, and regulate their own behavior.
Toddlers can paint too!
High Scope Curriculum
The HighScope Infant-Toddler Curriculum includes defined teaching practices that enable adults to create effective classrooms where children learn through active participatory learning. positive attachment relationships, and adult scaffolding produces an early learning environment where all children can thrive.
Teaching Staff
Lead Teachers have a CDA, a credential in Early Childhood Development and hours of additional training each year!
Associate Teachers have lots of personal experience in early childcare and also participate in hours of annual trainings.
Building self esteem
Teachers create a warm, loving home-like environment filled with positive experiences with the goal of instilling a life long love of learning, investigation and exploration.